2018 Fall Lecture Series Fall 2018 Sigma Xi Quinnipiac Chapter
Greetings from Sigma Xi for Fall 2018! We have lots of exciting events for this year, including our sponsorship of the Northeast Regional Sigma Xi Student Conference, April, 2019. While this seems far off, we expect over 100 student researchers from all over New England visiting our campus - so please think about offering your services as a judge or volunteer!
As a reminder, we sponsor at least 3 research presentations each semester, with over 50 student attendees. Therefore, we always seek and welcome faculty presenters! The program chair position is Dr. James Kirby. So, if you have an interest in presenting a lecture, please contact Jim! (james.kirby@quinnipiac.edu).
2018 Fall Lecture Series
Oct. 19
Dr. James Kirby
3:00 pm
Buckman Theatre,
Comparing Chemistry Education Research to Chemistry Research
Nov. 2
Dr. David Burn
3:00 PM
Buckman Theater
World's Best Cookies: A lean*recipe
Dr. Mohammad Elahee, International Business
A Cultural Journey through