This is what Peyton’s says about her experience “The Sigma Xi conference was such a great experience, I am so glad that I attended. I met so many other undergraduate and graduate students doing amazing research, especially in immunology. The student who was next to me during the conference was doing research trying to find the biomarkers for Lupus and how to use those biomarkers for a potential treatment. I enjoyed seeing different categories of research as well such as physics, it was all very interesting. The judges and other staff I spoke to about our poster loved that we are trying to further education in vaccines, they all agreed it was super important and they encouraged us to continue the research. One of my judges was even saying how in his country, every person is required to get vaccinated and they even put it on your passport and you have to send it in to the government every year to make sure you are up to date! Wouldn't that be nice to have here! It was an amazing trip and I learned a lot about how to present a poster especially to people who do not have a background in our topic. Hopefully I reached out to many people and encouraged them to get vaccinated if they were not already.
One high school student even came up to me and said "Is this about how vaccines cause autism?". I had to hold myself back from giving them a whole lecture on vaccines and Wakefield's study! lol! Thank you so much for this opportunity, it is definitely something I will never forget and I am grateful for the experience.
thank you again, Peyton”