12th Annual QU Sigma Xi Conference (2023)
12th Annual QU Sigma Xi Conference (2023)
April 21st Abstract submission deadline https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/SigmaXiQU2023
April 26th -- Distinguished Speaker and Student Poster Public Viewing
- Poster Hours: 3:30-5:30 pm
- Students present posters with public attendance (students will be at their poster either 3:30-4:30 or 4:30-5:30, they can visit other posters during the other hour)
- TBA # of posters, view the abstracts here: https://tinyurl.com/SigmaXiQU2023 (not live yet)
- 5:30
- Student Awards
- Induction Ceremony for new members
- Paper of the Year Award
- Distinguished Speaker: 5:45pm
- Speaker name: M. S. Shur, Professor of Physics, Applied Physics, and Astronomy, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY 12180
- Program name: Ultraviolet Light Emitting Diodes Save Lives