Thursday, November 14, 2019

Fall Seminar: How Does Breast Cancer Hijack Mammary Development? by Dr. Jerrica Breindel

Fall Seminar: How Does Breast Cancer Hijack Mammary Development? by Dr. Jerrica Breindel

Dr. Jerrica Breindel Biomedical Science
December 5, 2019 3:00 pm Buckman Theater

The mammary gland is a unique organ that develops almost entirely after birth and also undergoes significant change during pregnancy and breast feeding. Cellular signaling programs that control normal growth and turnover in the adult gland may influence breast cancer formation and progression. My research is focused on learning how the cells of the mammary gland are regulated during development and how dysregulation of these cells can lead to different types of breast cancer.

Jerrica Breindel, PhD began studying cancer biology during graduate school at Yale University, focusing on how advanced lung cancers become drug-resistant. Dr. Breindel then completed a Postdoctoral Fellowship at Tufts University where she switched her research focus to the early stages of cancer development, before it can be detected.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Fall seminar Doing Cool Chemistry with Cold Physics by Dr. Douglas Goodman November 20, 2019 11:00am Buckman Theater

Fall seminar Doing Cool Chemistry with Cold Physics by Dr. Douglas Goodman November 20, 2019 11:00am Buckman Theater

Dr. Douglas Goodman Assistant Professor Physics
November 20, 2019 11:00am Buckman Theater

Modern laser techniques can provide quantum-limited control of an atom or ion’s electronic state during a chemical reaction. Results of one such experiment examining laser-controlled charge-exchange reactions between co-trapped cold sodium atoms (~500 uK) and calcium ions (~100 K) will be presented. The study demonstrated how the reaction rates of individual entrance channels can be measured and manipulated by controlling the reactants' electronic states and/or collision energy. Of the channels studied, the Na[P] + Ca+[D] channel was the strongest with a rate constant ~10-8 cm3/s at an ion temperature of 200 K, which exceeds the classically predicted Langevin rate limit.

Dr. Goodman is an Assistant Professor of Physics at Quinnipiac University. He earned his B.S. at Trinity College (2006) and his M.S. and Ph.D. in Physics at the University of Connecticut (2015). Prof. Goodman's research interests are in the field of experimental ultracold atomic, molecular, and optical (AMO) physics.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Fall Seminar: Phaeocystis antarctica and the Marine Sulfur Cycle by Dr. Joanna Kinsey Nov. 7, 2019 1:00 pm Buckman Theatre

Fall Seminar: Phaeocystis antarctica and the Marine Sulfur Cycle by Dr. Joanna Kinsey

Dr. Joanna Kinsey, Assistant Professor Chemistry
Nov. 7, 2019 1:00 pm Buckman Theatre

The marine sulfur cycle has been studied extensively since the 1987 hypothesis that Earth’s radiative budget and climate was influenced by the ocean-atmospheric coupling of dimethylsulfide (DMS). The primary source of DMS is from the enzymatic lysis of dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP), a sulfur-containing compound produced by several taxa of algae and corals. Phaeocystis antarctica, a high-DMSP producing algal species found in the Southern Ocean, can form blooms covering hundreds of km2 and ~23% of the primary production in high latitude (>60°S) waters. Coinciding with these blooms are high concentrations of sulfur and carbon compounds, that once in the dissolved phase, are readily consumed by heterotrophic bacteria, photolyzed, or vented to the atmosphere. This seminar will review the marine sulfur cycle and present current and future research on DMS and related compounds.

Dr. Kinsey joined the QU Department of Chemistry and Physical Sciences in August 2018. She received her Ph.D. from the State University of New York, College of Environmental Science and Forestry in Environmental Chemistry in 2014 and was a post-doctoral student at North Carolina State University. She has participated on several coastal field projects and six research cruises that include cruises to Antarctica and diving on the HOV Alvin submersible. Her research focuses on sulfur and carbon cycling in coastal and open ocean regions.

Thursday, April 25, 2019

2019 Regional Conference Poster Winners

Congratulations to the three 2019 regional conference poster winners!!

The NE Regional Sigma Xi Conference was held at Quinnipiac University on Wednesday, April 24th. Students from ANY discipline who are involved in a systematic investigation were invited and 55 abstracts were accepted and their posters displayed from 3-5  in the Burt Kahn Court

  • Function of an Aging-Associated MicroRNA in Splicing Homeostasis in C. elegans. Liat Levy and Alexandre de Lencastre Dept. of Biomedical Sciences, Quinnipiac University; Dept. of Biological Sciences, Quinnipiac University
  • The use of Multi-quadric interpolation in polynomial-based ENO stencil selection procedure: Challenges and Numerical Experiments in Matlab. Rahimyar Abdul & Dr. Stavros Christofi. Western Connecticut State University. non-Quinnipiac University Graduate student. Western Connecticut State University, Mathematics 

  • The Effects of Metformin on MicroRNA-71, Stress Resistance, and Aging in Caenorhabditis elegans. Kipp Hopper & Dr. Alexandre de Lencastre. Quinnipiac University Undergraduate student. Quinnipiac University Biomedical Sciences. 

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

NE Regional Sigma Xi Meeting April 24th 2019

NE Regional Sigma Xi Meeting April 24th 2019

Conference Page:

Conference date:  April 24, 2019, 3:00-7:00pm

The NE Regional Sigma Xi Conference will be held on Wednesday, April 24th in the Burt Kahn Court. Students from ANY discipline who are involved in a systematic investigation are invited. Students may present any aspect of their research (literature review, methods/procedures, manualized intervention, or final data, if finished). Trifold poster boards and clips will be provided for displaying posters on an easel or long table.
                                                         Conference Schedule
2:00-3:00:  Set-up
3:00-4:00:  Poster Session I
4:00-5:00: Poster Session II
5:00-5:45: Speaker Reception with Dr. Paul Anastas
5:45-6:45: Distinguished Lecturer Presentation Dr. Paul Anastas, “Green Chemistry”
6:45-7:00: Graduate and Undergraduate Awards Presentation
Conference Locations: Burt Kahn Court and Mt Carmel Auditorium

Conference Page:

Dr. Paul Anastas “Green Chemistry” April 24, 2019
Paul T. Anastas is a Professor in the Practice of Chemistry for the Environment. He has appointments in the School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, Department of Chemistry, and Department of Chemical Engineering. In addition, Prof. Anastas serves as the Director of the Center for Green Chemistry and Green Engineering at Yale. Anastas took public service leave from Yale to serve as the Assistant Administrator for the US Environmental Protection Agency and the Agency Science Advisor from 2009-2012. From 2004 -2006, Paul Anastas served as Director of the ACS Green Chemistry Institute in Washington, D.C. He will be the Keynote and Sigma Xi Distinguished Speaker for the Northeast Regional Sigma Xi Student Conference at QU.

Monday, April 15, 2019

Distinguished Lecturer, April 24th Dr. Paul Anastas “Green Chemistry” 5:45 pm

Distinguished Lecturer, April 24th     

Dr. Paul Anastas, Yale “Green Chemistry” 5:45 pm, Mt Carmel Auditorium

Paul T. Anastas is a Professor in the Practice of Chemistry for the Environment. He has appointments in the School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, Department of Chemistry, and Department of Chemical Engineering. In addition, Prof. Anastas serves as the Director of the Center for Green Chemistry and Green Engineering at Yale. Anastas took public service leave from Yale to serve as the Assistant Administrator for the US Environmental Protection Agency and the Agency Science Advisor from 2009-2012. From 2004 -2006, Paul Anastas served as Director of the ACS Green Chemistry Institute in Washington, D.C. He will be the Keynote and Sigma Xi Distinguished Speaker for the Northeast Regional Sigma Xi Student Conference at QU.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Please join us at the 2019 Sigma Xi conference Wednesday, April 24th
The abstract booklet has can be downloaded here

The NE Regional Sigma Xi Conference will be held on Wednesday, April 24th in the Burt Kahn Court. Students from ANY discipline who are involved in a systematic investigation are invited. Students may present any aspect of their research (literature review, methods/procedures, manualized intervention, or final data, if finished). 

Trifold poster boards and clips will be provided for displaying posters on an easel or long table.

                                                         Conference Schedule
2:00-3:00:  Set-up
3:00-4:00:  Poster Session I
4:00-5:00: Poster Session II
5:00-5:45: Speaker Reception with Dr. Paul Anastas
5:45-6:45: Distinguished Lecturer Presentation Dr. Paul Anastas, “Green Chemistry”
6:45-7:00: Graduate and Undergraduate Awards Presentation

Conference Locations: Burt Kahn Court and Mt Carmel Auditorium

Dr. Paul Anastas “Green Chemistry” April 24, 2019

Paul T. Anastas is a Professor in the Practice of Chemistry for the Environment. He has appointments in the School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, Department of Chemistry, and Department of Chemical Engineering. In addition, Prof. Anastas serves as the Director of the Center for Green Chemistry and Green Engineering at Yale. Anastas took public service leave from Yale to serve as the Assistant Administrator for the US Environmental Protection Agency and the Agency Science Advisor from 2009-2012. From 2004 -2006, Paul Anastas served as Director of the ACS Green Chemistry Institute in Washington, D.C. He will be the Keynote and Sigma Xi Distinguished Speaker for the Northeast Regional Sigma Xi Student Conference at QU.

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Dr. Washington daSilva CT Friday, April 12, 2019 1pm “Small Things Considered: The Impact of Plant Viruses on Wine Production”

Dr. Washington daSilva
CT Agricultural Experiment Station
Friday, April 12, 2019 1:00 PM Buckman Theater 

“Small Things Considered: The Impact of Plant Viruses on Wine Production”

Dr. da Silva is an Assistant Agricultural Scientist II, Department of Plant Pathology and Ecology at the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station (CAES).  He is a plant pathologist with an expertise is in the fields of diagnoses, bioinformatics, and molecular biology.  He uses state of the art technologies (e.g., high throughput sequencing) to study the biology and ecology of viruses infecting fruit crops.  Dr. daSilva received his B.Sc.. from Universidade Federal de Viçosa (Brazil) in 2010, M. Sc. in Plant Health from LSU in 2013, and Ph. D. in Plant Pathology from Cornell University in 2018.

The top two priorities of his current research program are to develop and improve molecular diagnostics for plant viruses and to investigate plant-virus-vector interactions with the ultimate goal of translating findings into virus disease management.  He is currently investigating the incidence, prevalence, and genetic diversity of grapevine viruses in the state of Connecticut.

Monday, March 25, 2019

Register for the 2019 Sigma Xi Northeast Regional Student Research Conference Registration Closes: April 5, 2019

Register for the 2019 Sigma Xi Northeast Regional Student Research Conference Registration Closes: April 5, 2019

The NE Regional Sigma Xi Conference will be held on Wednesday, April 24th in the Burt Kahn Court. Students from ANY discipline who are involved in a systematic investigation are invited. Students may present any aspect of their research (literature review, methods/procedures, manualized intervention, or final data, if finished). Trifold poster boards and clips will be provided for displaying posters on an easel or long table.

Conference Schedule

2:00-3:00:  Set-up

3:00-4:00:  Poster Session I

4:00-5:00: Poster Session II

5:00-5:45: Speaker Reception with Dr. Paul Anastas

5:45-6:45: Distinguished Lecturer Presentation Dr. Paul Anastas, “Green Chemistry”

6:45-7:00: Graduate and Undergraduate Awards Presentation

Conference Locations: Burt Kahn Court and Mt Carmel Auditorium

Registration Opens: Feb. 5, 2019               

Registration Closes: April 5, 2019

Registration Site: 

Submission Link:

For information, contact Dr. Lisa Cuchara:

Monday, February 25, 2019

“Modeling ALS with Patient Derived Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells” February 27, 2019 4:00 PM Buckman Theater

February 27, 2019 4:00 PM Buckman Theater
Dr. Alison O’Neill Professor of Chemistry Wesleyan University

“Modeling ALS with Patient Derived  Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells”

Prof. O’Neil received her B.S. while doing proteomics research with Prof. Anna Tan-Wilson at Binghamton University. She then went on to join the Research and Development Team at LigoCyte Pharmaceuticals (now Takeda Vaccine) working on a vaccine for Norovirus. She then joined the Chemistry and Biochemistry department at Montana State University and earned her PhD under Prof. Trevor Douglas. Prof. O’Neil’s private sector and graduate work was based on designing materials based on viral capsid assemblies. For her post-doctoral studies, she worked on modeling and understanding neurodegenerative diseases using human stem cells at Harvard University. While at Harvard, Prof. O’Neil authored collaborative work with Google, Vertex, and Biogen Idec.
Prof. O’Neil’s interdisciplinary research will combine her biochemistry and stem cell training to investigate the role of protein aggregates in the progress of neurodegeneration.

Friday, February 22, 2019

Deadline Approaching for Students to Apply for Grants

Deadline Approaching for Students to Apply for Grants

Sigma Xi
Undergraduate and graduate students are invited to apply for research funding through the Grants in Aid of Research (GIAR) program. The deadline to submit applications for all eligible disciplines is March 15 at 11:59 p.m. Pacific Time. Most grants are worth up to $1,000. Grants of up to $5,000 are available for astronomy research and $2,500 for vision-related research thanks to designated funds from the National Academy of Sciences.
See the guidelines and a list of fundable expenses.
Email with questions.  READ MORE

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Present Your Research Online!

Present Your Research Online!

Submit your abstract by February 22 to participate in the 2019 Student Research Showcase. Sigma Xi invites high school, undergraduate, and graduate students worldwide to showcase their research on a virtual platform. Participants create a website that contains three components to target different audiences:

    Abstract of no more than 250 words
    Short video to introduce the project to a general audience
    Technical slideshow presentation

Websites are reviewed by qualified Sigma Xi members. During the review period, participants engage in online conversations with judges through their website. Awards of up to $500 are given to the top graduate, undergraduate, and high school winners.

New This Year! Judges will name one of the three division winners the Overall Top Presenter who will receive an additional $500 prize (total of $1,000).

The winner of the People’s Choice Award is selected based on a public vote and receives a $250 monetary award. All presenters will receive a certificate of participation.

Submit Your Abstract Today!

If you have any questions, please contact us by sending an email to

Sigma Xi Student Research Conference

November 14–17, 2019
Monona Terrace Convention Center Madison, Wisconsin, USA

Present your research and receive valuable feedback
Compete for top presentation awards
Engage in discussions about solutions for environmental challenges that threaten the vitality of our planet
Expand your professional network
Participate in science communication and professional development workshops

“I enjoyed every moment of it and was able to learn a lot from this opportunity”

Register Today!

Student presenters receive nominations to membership in Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Honor Society.

Abstracts deadlines:
Oral Presentations: April 23, 2019
Poster Presentations: October 4, 2019

See flyer

Monday, February 18, 2019

“Modeling ALS with Patient Derived Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells” February 27, 2019 4PM

February 27, 2019 4:00 PM Buckman Theater
Dr. Alison O’Neill Professor of Chemistry Wesleyan University

“Modeling ALS with Patient Derived Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells”

Prof. O’Neil received her B.S. while doing proteomics research with Prof. Anna Tan-Wilson at Binghamton University. She then went on to join the Research and Development Team at LigoCyte Pharmaceuticals (now Takeda Vaccine) working on a vaccine for Norovirus. She then joined the Chemistry and Biochemistry department at Montana State University and earned her PhD under Prof. Trevor Douglas. Prof. O’Neil’s private sector and graduate work was based on designing materials based on viral capsid assemblies. For her post-doctoral studies, she worked on modeling and understanding neurodegenerative diseases using human stem cells at Harvard University. While at Harvard, Prof. O’Neil authored collaborative work with Google, Vertex, and Biogen Idec.
Prof. O’Neil’s interdisciplinary research will combine her biochemistry and stem cell training to investigate the role of protein aggregates in the progress of neurodegeneration.

Monday, February 4, 2019

2019 Sigma Xi Northeast Regional Student Research Conference -- registration open

Register Early for the 2019 Sigma Xi Northeast Regional Student Research Conference

The NE Regional Sigma Xi Conference will be held on Wednesday, April 24th in the Burt Kahn Court. Students from ANY discipline who are involved in a systematic investigation are invited. Students may present any aspect of their research (literature review, methods/procedures, manualized intervention, or final data, if finished). Trifold poster boards and clips will be provided for displaying posters on an easel or long table.
Conference Schedule
2:00-3:00:  Set-up
3:00-4:00:  Poster Session I
4:00-5:00: Poster Session II 
5:00-5:45: Speaker Reception with Dr. Paul Anastas
5:45-6:45: Distinguished Lecturer Presentation Dr. Paul Anastas, “Green Chemistry”
6:45-7:00: Graduate and Undergraduate Awards Presentation
Conference Locations: Burt Kahn Court and Mt Carmel Auditorium

Registration Opens: Feb. 5, 2019                
Registration Closes: April 5, 2019
Registration Site:  
For information, contact Dr. Lisa Cuchara:

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Seminar Feb 5th “Of Course There are No Two-level Atoms and Sodium is Not One of Them!”

Feb. 5, 2019  2:00 PM Buckman Theatre

Dr. Douglas Goodman Assistant Professor of Physics

Legend has it that Nobel Laureate William D. Phillips once said, "Of course there are no two-level atoms and sodium is not one of them!" It is a familiar joke within the Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics community. The saying serves as a warning not to apply the quantum mechanical two-level atom approximation to situations where it does not belong, including the description of atoms when they are trapped and cooled by lasers inside a magneto-optical trap (MOT) Since the 1980s, this two-level approximation has been used to describe the electronic-state distribution arising from the trapped atoms’ interaction with the laser light. However, by using a unique hybrid ion-neutral trap, we were able to directly measure the fractional excited-state population of sodium atoms held within a MOT. Doing so allowed us to compare the experimental results with the two-level model prediction, revealing the conditions under which the two-level model succeeds and when it fails. It is true, there are no two-level atoms, but sodium sometimes acts like one of them

Dr.  Goodman is an Assistant Professor of Physics at Quinnipiac University. He earned his B.S. (Trinity, 2006) and his M.S. and Ph.D. in Physics (UConn, 2015). Prof. Goodman's research interests are in the field of experimental ultracold atomic, molecular, and optical (AMO) physics, which includes the study of laser cooling and trapping of atoms/ions, electrodynamic ion traps, and cold ion-neutral.

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Spring 2019 Sigma Xi

Welcome to an exciting series of events for Sigma Xi for this spring! 

We will be sponsoring the Northeast Regional Sigma Xi Student Conference on Wed. April, 24, 2019. This conference coincides with our Annual Sigma Xi Student conference. Students from colleges all over the Northeast are invited to attend and present their posters at our conference. Due to space limitation, we can only host 100 student posters, so please encourage your QU students to apply early!

Distinguished Lecturer: Good news! We received a Distinguished Lectureship grant from Sigma Xi for the 7th straight year to help fund our Spring, 2019 Distinguished Lecturer. Dr. Paul Anastas has accepted our invitation as the Keynote and Distinguished Lecturer for 2019.

Judges Needed for Conference!!!!
One great need for the conference will be judges for our Graduate and Undergraduate poster contest. Please contact Neil to volunteer! (

2019 Spring Lecture Series

  • Feb. 5  Dr. Douglas Goodman 2:00 pm Buckman Theatre  Of Course there are No Two-level Atoms and Sodium is Not One of Them!
  • Feb. 27 Dr. Alison O’Neil 4:00 pm Buckman Theater Modeling ALS with Patient Derived Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells
  • April 24 Dr. Washington DaSilva 1:00 pm, Buckman “Small Things Considered: The Impact of Plant Viruses on Wine Production”
  • April 24 Dr. Paul Anastas 5:45 pm Mt Carmel Auditorium
Register Early for the 2019 Sigma Xi Northeast Regional Student Research Conference

The NE Regional Sigma Xi Conference will be held on Wednesday, April 24th in the Burt Kahn Court. Students from ANY discipline who are involved in a systematic investigation are invited. Students may present any aspect of their research (literature review, methods/procedures, manualized intervention, or final data, if finished). Trifold poster boards and clips will be provided for displaying posters on an easel or long table.
                                                         Conference Schedule
2:00-3:00: Set-up
3:00-4:00:  Poster Session I
4:00-5:00: Poster Session II 
5:00-5:45: Speaker Reception with Dr. Paul Anastas
5:45-6:45: Distinguished Lecturer Presentation Dr. Paul Anastas, “Green Chemistry”
6:45-7:00: Graduate and Undergraduate Awards Presentation
Conference Locations: Burt Kahn Court and Mt Carmel Auditorium

Registration Opens: Feb. 5, 2019                Registration Closes: April 5, 2019
Registration Site: 
For information, contact Dr. Lisa Cuchara:

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Distinguished Lecturer, April 24th

Distinguished Lecturer, April 24th     
Dr. Paul Anastas, Yale “Green Chemistry” 5:45 pm, Mt Carmel Auditorium

Paul T. Anastas is a Professor in the Practice of Chemistry for the Environment. He has appointments in the School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, Department of Chemistry, and Department of Chemical Engineering. In addition, Prof. Anastas serves as the Director of the Center for Green Chemistry and Green Engineering at Yale. Anastas took public service leave from Yale to serve as the Assistant Administrator for the US Environmental Protection Agency and the Agency Science Advisor from 2009-2012. From 2004 -2006, Paul Anastas served as Director of the ACS Green Chemistry Institute in Washington, D.C. He will be the Keynote and Sigma Xi Distinguished Speaker for the Northeast Regional Sigma Xi Student Conference at QU.